xxxday, April xx, 20xx
6:00 to 9:30 pm
Indian Mills Country Club
South Elmwood Road, Marlton
South Elmwood Road, Marlton
The Basket List is Here!
Click the link below to download the event program, which includes a list of the 75+ baskets that will be raffled.
It's a good idea to review the list prior to the event and decide what baskets you want to bid for and how many tickets you will need. That way you'll have more time to enjoy the jazz performances and spend more time with your friends and family who've joined you there!
Click the link below to download the event program, which includes a list of the 75+ baskets that will be raffled.
It's a good idea to review the list prior to the event and decide what baskets you want to bid for and how many tickets you will need. That way you'll have more time to enjoy the jazz performances and spend more time with your friends and family who've joined you there!
Raffle tickets fees:
Regular Baskets - green sheets of 25 tickets
Regular Baskets - green sheets of 25 tickets
- Individual sheets are $20 each
- Three sheets for $50
- Individual tickets are $5 each
- Three tickets for $10
- One ticket for $1
- Six tickets for $5
- Arm's length (13) for $10
Join us for a buffet dinner, cash bar and entertainment by the Cherokee High School Jazz Band.
There will also be an extravagant array of gift baskets raffled off throughout the evening.
Unfortunately we can not offer tickets at the door. All dinner reservations must be made and paid for in advance, so be sure to get your tickets now, before they sell out!
Gift Basket Raffle
It's all about the baskets! More details about the themed baskets will follow as donations are made. Keep checking this page for updates on what baskets we will be offering at the dinner. Basket raffle and 50/50 raffle tickets may be purchased onsite.
Donate Your Own Gift Items for a Basket
The event committee has been busy acquiring donations from local and national businesses in order to build amazing baskets for the raffle, but your help is needed. If you can contribute a themed basket using the suggested themes from the event's SignUp Genius page, or from a theme of your choosing, your gifts can help make this event an even bigger success. Donations of gift cards or items that we can build a basket around are also welcome.
Our Sponsors
We would like to thank the following businesses that have generously donated gifts in the form of merchandise, event tickets, gift cards, and more to help make this event such a success:
Delaware River Tubing
We encourage you to visit these sponsors' web sites for more information.
Delaware River Tubing
We encourage you to visit these sponsors' web sites for more information.