Thursday, April 27, 2023
6:00 to 9:00 pm
Indian Spring Country Club
South Elmwood Road, Marlton
South Elmwood Road, Marlton

Join us for a buffet dinner, desserts, cash bar and entertainment by the Cherokee High School Jazz Band.
There will also be an extravagant array of gift baskets raffled off throughout the evening.
We are forming a committee to help with donation requests, creating baskets, selling tickets, follow-up phone calls, and program creating. We need your help to ensure the success of this event!
There will also be an extravagant array of gift baskets raffled off throughout the evening.
We are forming a committee to help with donation requests, creating baskets, selling tickets, follow-up phone calls, and program creating. We need your help to ensure the success of this event!
We are very excited to announce that our Annual Spring Dinner Auction will be held on Thursday April 28, 2022. This event will once again be held at Indian Spring Country Club in Marlton where our award-winning Cherokee Jazz Band will provide entertainment for the evening.
Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with a buffet dinner at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Basket Raffle. Admission is $38 per person**. Seating will not be assigned, however, tables of 10 or 12 can be reserved by giving list of names to one of the banquet chairs (Shannon or Kerry).
Admission Reservations are available on a first come first serve basis until March 31, 2022. Only 225 Admission Reservations will be available and MUST be purchased in advance! You may purchase your reservation online by clicking the button below or at the February 9 and March 16 Booster Meeting (please have exact change if paying by cash) or by contacting Shannon Lukianovich by phone 732-720-5516 (call or text) or e-mail [email protected].
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact Shannon at her contact above or Kerry Anyzek [email protected]/text 856-912-2574.
The following raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the event:
-Regular Basket Tickets will be sold in Sheets of 25 for $20 each
-Super Basket Tickets will be sold for $5 a piece or 3 for $10
-50/50 tickets at $5 an arm’s length or 3 arm’s length for $10
In order to have beautiful baskets to offer for raffle, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are asking all Band and Guard parents to help create our baskets :
• If you would like to donate any items (new and unused) to be included in the baskets, please contact one of the chairpersons or bring them to the next Booster meeting. Gift cards to any local restaurants or businesses in any amount are also very helpful.
• You may make a monetary donation – (Any amount would be greatly appreciated.) This money will be used to purchase items for the baskets. Donations may be given at our Booster meetings or you may mail it to: Cherokee Band Boosters, c/o Annual Basket Dinner, P.O. Box 366, Marlton, NJ 08053
Our Annual Spring Dinner Auction has always been a very successful fundraiser that benefits all band students at Cherokee. We invite you to join us for this fantastic evening of jazz, food and prizes!
We thank you in advance for your help and generosity!
Shannon Lukianovich [email protected] or text 732-720-5516
Kerry Anyzek [email protected] or text 856-912-2574
Our Sponsors
We sincerely thank our band sponsors for their support during the 2022-2023 school year. We encourage you to visit our band sponsors' web sites for more information by clicking the links on our Sponsors page.